
Massacring Hazara Civilians in Behsud, Rewarding Pashtun Taliban Terrorists in Logar

A local of Behsud has told to Hazara World English, “there is a curfew going on in the area and late night raids by Afghan Army on civilian houses terrifies the inhabitants in Behsud”, also some houses are reported to have been looted by the Afghan Army. All these human rights violations take place in silence and without media coverage and without any human right organization’s objections.

By: Amin Wahidi  

Latest reports from Behsud show a war crime in progress without media coverage. These illegal and unconstitutional military actions of the Afghan Army against civilians have forced many families evacuate their homes. In the latest air strikes against Behsud at least 6 men of local resistance forces and a civilian woman are reported to have been killed and 6 other civilians have been injured so far. In addition to destruction of civilian houses and school buildings, the terror the Afghan Army brought to these areas, suppresses the local people not only physically but also psychologically.   

A local of Behsud has told to Hazara World English, “there is a curfew going on in the area and late night raids by Afghan Army on civilian houses terrifies the inhabitants in Behsud”, also some houses are reported to have been looted by the Afghan Army. All these human rights violations take place in silence and without media coverage and without any human right organization’s objections.  

The planned military operation on civilians in Behsud began following a fake propaganda that was designed and implemented by the Afghan National Security Council against the Hazara inhabitants of Behsud.   

This large scale military operation was organized months before and the Afghan army has waited until the spring came, so that to carry out their war against civilians in better meteorological conditions.

Along with the military plan, a media propaganda was established. When the first attack on civilians took place on January 29th, the Afghan army opened fire on civilian protesters and killed 11 and left other 39 others injured. All victims were normal people who had gathered in front of the district Headquarters for a peaceful protest. A false media campaign by the Afghan Government and Army was conducted to divert the public opinion with fake news and fake photos until a video came out and exposed the truth and made the Afghan Administration embarrassed.

Despite the findings of a neutral delegation that went to Behsud from Kabul, showed that the military commander Allahdad Fedaye (who opened fire on civilians) was guilty and he was supposed to be summoned by a Military Court or the Attorney General Office to respond for his actions, but not only he wasn’t prosecuted, he was promoted to another position later.

In the second attack on Behsud (that took place on March 18th), around 150 military tanks and Humvees along with 1,200 military special forces were deployed to this mountainous district apparently to give a catch to the local Hazara resistance commander, Alipour who defends the locals against Taliban and Kochi attacks, but what the Afghan army is doing these days is terrorizing the local people and destabilizing the Hazara areas as a part of President Ghani’s tribal plan he had announced in 2014. The attack on Behsud is considered one of the biggest military operations against civilians in recent years in Afghanistan.

The local resistances forces commander Alipour, picked up gun to protect his people against Taliban and repetitive Kochi attacks on Hazaras in Behsud and he was praised by the local population. Alipour was a normal van driver who drove passengers between Kabul and Behsud but he was fed up with Taliban terrorists’ tyranny against Hazaras in Jalrez valley that became the valley of death for Hazaras. He is so popular among his people, that his supporters and admirers are more than Ashraf Ghani Ahmazai’s ones. If there was a voting, perhaps Alipour got more ballots than Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai.

Now president, then the chief of Ahmadzai Kochi tribe, Ashraf Ghani in his interview with ToloTV in 2014 had promised to his Pashtun fellows to distribute the war zones equally throughout the country, so that the Pashtun area would not be the only one to bear the burden of the war, hence Northern Provinces where Uzbeks live and Central Highlands where Hazaras live became a ground of (according to Ghani) the fair distribution of the conflict zones thereafter.

Having lived for almost forty years in the West and being educated in prestigious universities, Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai has failed to change his tribal mentality and lifestyle: instead of making other regions insecure, he should have used the positive experiences of secure regions as examples in Pashtun areas, what he didn’t do. 

This massive military campaign against defenseless Hazaras of Behsud was carried out with a complot that was developed with a preplanned propaganda. The Afghan army shot down a helicopter of their own, killing 9 Non-Pashtun military personnel to ignite the fire of ethnic hatred between Hazaras and Tajiks. Soon pro-government and institutional media began to link the incident to the Hazara resistance forces- Alipour’s men, but when an enigmatic video of the incident came out, it added more confusion to the Afghan army helicopter explosion conspiracy and raised serious questions.

The incident took place at night as announced by the Afghan Ministry of Defense but the video shows a full day light. In this video it’s clearly seen that the attack is taking place from the air (probably from another helicopter) and not from the ground. The geographical aerial images shown in the video doesn’t match with the real specification of Behsud district.

But the main question is “who filmed the incident and why they were ready there with a camera to shoot the incident as if they were expecting it at that very moment?!”

It’s rather a cinematic mise en scene to draw people’s support and justify their unlawful attack on Behsud district.       

Simultaneously with Afghan army deployment to Behsud, in President Ghani’s native hometown Logar Province (in 87 km from Kabul) a whole district and a dozen of its heavy military tanks were deliberately handed over to the Taliban and their Kochi supporters based on tribal deals, that aims to arm the Pashtun tribes with heavy weapons.  

These heavy military armaments were gifted by the NATO to the Afghan Government to defeat terrorists with, but now they are handed over to the Taliban terrorists.

Even on the day when President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai was inaugurating Kamal Khan Dam (a project from 1970s) in Nimruz Province, his tribal terrorist brothers, exploded a long bridge in Kandahar, and showed their fangs to him and his administration cheerfully.

Who knows what will happen to Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai in a few coming weeks, when people believe his administration is taking its last breaths, however, to the Hazaras, he’s been known as the second Amir Abdul Rahman Khan, a tyrant king who killed more than 62% of the Hazara population in the last decades of the 19th century.

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